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Mina Üstün


According to a study conducted by the World Wildlife Fund, natural resources have been consumed faster and in greater quantities than ever before in human history. In the last 40 years, it has reached serious amounts, showing an increase of four or five times compared to the past.

It has been seen that many habits acquired unconsciously cause more harm to the environment than is thought. Changing the acquired habits and becoming an environmentalist will be a small step for humanity but a huge step for the planet to be livable.

Research shows that only 20% of the world's population consumes 86% of natural resources. Resources are consumed quickly even though they are not needed. This indicates that habits should be changed immediately and permanently. Campaigns should be created to create waste awareness and should be intervened directly. The use of resources has now become a world issue, and both the states and the private sector have a great responsibility to intervene and find solutions. Every part of society should act selflessly and sensitively and show behaviors that will protect the resources.

Is Being Sustainable Protecting Natural Resources?

The concept of sustainability comes into play regarding "owning" natural resources. However, natural resources can be protected by adopting sustainable behaviors. For this reason, companies with a sustainability understanding have an impact on both society and investors.

What Basic Areas Need to be Worked on to Ensure Sustainability?

According to the definition made by the United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development, sustainable development is a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The power of future generations to meet their own needs does not only depend on the destruction of natural resources. At the same time, a social order should be established in which ethical and moral values ​​are applied and equality is ensured. Therefore, sustainability has become an expanding concept spreading to all areas of society. Sustainability has started to show progress in five main headings. It shows improvement in the environment, economy, culture, social, and technology fields. Companies and organizations that have become world brands take the lead in sustainability. In this way, they carry out a dynamic structured sustainability work suitable for the constantly developing and changing world.

Environmental sustainability aims to consume natural resources at a rate that they can renew themselves. In other words, the waste of natural resources is prevented. Thus, the planet's ecological system is balanced, and its lifespan is extended.

There is the idea of creating an ecological system in which everyone lives at a good level of welfare, with sustainability in the economic dimension. It was desired to establish an order in which sufficient assets could be accessed for food and shelter. Companies look at the Triple Bottom Lines, referred to as internal TBL, to ensure sustainability in the economic dimension. The triple bottom line provides a balanced and fair economic dimension by measuring people, planet, and profitability.

It is desired to create healthy communities with global sustainability. Progress is expected with solutions that respect personal and social rights and include everyone. Actions are taken to ensure protection against all forms of discrimination.

Sustainability, which has a social dimension, actually means public policies. Companies that act within the framework of international and national standards in areas such as sustainable public policy, poverty and hunger, improved education standards, gender equality, human rights, and climate change are considered sustainable here. It is impossible for institutions and organizations that act in behaviors accepted by the public not to exhibit sustainable works.

In the technological dimension, sustainability means achieving positive results for ecological balance and humanity by following new technologies. Following the technological developments that prevent efficiency and waste prevents wrong behaviors that have become a habit in society. At the same time, it will be possible to create an economic order that makes positive progress by preventing wrong interactions and technology usage.

As a result, sustainability cannot be achieved only by protecting natural resources. At the same time, it is provided by finding the easiest and permanent solution to many problems and problems by being in a dynamic structure. While ensuring sustainability, besides environmental problems, institutions and organizations that act in the light of healthy, moral, and ethical values ​​and make a difference in the eyes of society become permanent and reliable. Therefore, every work done in the field of sustainability represents a brick in terms of the reputation of the established brand.


Mina Üstün




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