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What is Valuable 500?

Updated: Jan 11, 2023

Studies show that approximately 15% of the world's population comprises individuals with disabilities. Around 1 billion people worldwide have a disability. For this reason, they are characterized as the "largest minority" group in the world. Due to their disabilities, how individuals interact with the world has been damaged and gradually decreased. Many studies have been started to minimize a situation that affects the life of disabled people in such a way. Studies and policies are generally done to remove prejudices and raise awareness. However, their inclusion in the business world, which forms the basis of socialization on an international scale, has just begun to be given importance. With the Valuable 500 platform, one of the leading institutions in this sense, work has already started to create accessible work environments for the disabled.

Through the platform, studies have been started to lead companies to change their in-house policies and create new business areas. First of all, projects have begun to change the architectural and working conditions of the institutions to bring disabled people, who have been removed from corporate life due to physical reasons, to working life. Thus, the physical barriers were removed. Secondly, projects on prejudice-based helplessness, which are psychological and sociological, were carried out. The Valuable 500 platform, which carries out regular campaigns to remove obstacles and create an accessible world, has started to see more and more demand daily. Many international brand managers who want to ensure the participation of different insights and visions in business life have begun to change their institutions by taking action.

With the participation of companies and financial indices on the platform, examples of accessible projects and policies have started to increase. Projects created with the insight of the disabled started to be discussed at the level of the states and found applications. To spread permanent and effective solutions worldwide, international organizations have taken action, and manifestos have begun to be published by many supranational organizations, especially the United Nations and the European Union. They have compelled companies to produce more solutions by creating contracts that have inclusiveness in the international arena. It has become inevitable for companies to have access now. Every attempt made to make disabled people feel valuable and safe has increased the participation of disabled people in the business world by creating a multiplier effect. Ensuring that companies, which are the most critical actors in the life participation processes of the disabled, take part as an actor has been one of the most important and correct political decisions.

How are Disabled Insights Transformed into Projects with Valuable 500?

Companies that are party to the Valuable 500 platform were expected to work with Deloitte, one of the world's four largest auditing brands, in the issuance processes. By uploading the data recorded with Deloitte to Google's clouds, it was ensured that they create pools of information regarding their identities. Thus, essential insights and solution suggestions have been transformed into knowledge. Thanks to accurate and effective reporting, the most effective and rational solution proposals that were aimed were put into practice. With the data pool obtained, they have become a globally accepted sustainability index for the disabled.

What kind of projects is being carried out to increase the employment rate of the disabled with the Valuable 500?

Persons with disabilities are underemployed. Many talented and successful employees do not even apply because of prejudice. Studies show that people with disabilities are employed 50% less than people without a disability. Research shows that it is not only a problem for them to find a job in the process of participating in business life, but also they have problems ensuring their continuity.

With the Valuable 500 platform, companies have been ensured to observe accessible rules in their recruitment and in-house policies. Skills were developed in the recruitment process, and new areas were created in the organization process. In this sense, the most crucial talent management companies worldwide have been agreed upon, and research has been done. Policies created by companies such as Mahindra and Salesforce, world giants in talent management, have begun to be observed. In this way, work environments suitable for the insights of the disabled were created, and the sustainability of their employment was ensured. With the awareness of the companies, the products and services they made started to change in the same way and became suitable for the disabled.

What are the 6 Goals Targeted with the Valuable 500?

With the Valuable 500, 6 targets were intended to be implemented. Accessible companies will be formed with targets.

The first goal is to reach other companies by creating awareness at the executive level. By influencing the managers and increasing their attention, it will be easier to contact other companies, and their participation in the works for accessibility will be ensured. The interaction power of the stories of individuals with disabilities will be used to raise awareness at the management level.

The second goal is to create a company culture. Accessibility will be reinforced in the corporate culture. Common values ​​will be taken into account to create institutions with an accessible order.

The third goal will be to add people with disabilities to the customer base. The dimension of awareness activities will be increased by producing services and products suitable for disabled individuals.

The fourth goal is to collect new insights and solution proposals through regular reporting. Thus, the adaptation process to the dynamic and innovative structure of the business world will be ensured.

The fifth goal is to enable disabled people to advance in every position within the institution and to increase their representation powers.

The final goal is to increase research in line with the data's insights and implement new solutions. For this, companies are expected to support research in every field of science.

As a result, companies are expected to make progress in the field of accessibility, with six different titles being targeted. At the same time, many studies are carried out not only in terms of finding a job but also in terms of employment. There will be progress in the diversity and vision of the companies included in the platform, as well as the reinforcement of their corporate culture. That's why more and more companies want to be included in the Valuable 500.


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