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What is RE100, and Why is it Important?

Updated: Sep 9, 2022

RE100 is a platform established with the partnership of CDP and Climate Group. It brings together companies that are 100 percent committed to renewable energy. It is not for profit. Its revenue until 2022 has reached 6 trillion US dollars. They operate together with institutions and organizations in different sectors. Since it runs in many sectors, it has an active share in the markets. It is seen as a practical and authoritative platform. Due to the usual effect on the markets, they have started to work with many world giant companies. They even started to change their state policies positively, as they attracted companies with influence in the markets and the authority to dominate life. The goal of achieving clean economic gain in terms of environmental pollution has started to be accepted worldwide through RE100 and similar indexes and certificates. Companies with RE100 membership are companies aiming for a zero-emission economy. They create systems for companies that want to move forward in line with their goals. To facilitate the transition to 100% renewable energy, companies submit detailed reports every year. Companies that wish to participate commit to matching the electricity they consume in their global operations with a similar amount of renewable electricity generated from one hundred percent wind, water, solar and geothermal.

What are the criteria for becoming a RE100 Member?

Minimum target dates are determined for companies wishing to become members. The main goal is to have 100% renewable electricity by 2050. The interim targets aim to reach 90% renewable electricity by 2030 and 90% by 2040. However, on average, most RE100 companies want to abandon conventional electricity sources by 2028.

With the Paris Agreement, many legislations on a global scale have entered into force. The agreement has determined what should be done for a green world. He is working on RE100 for the decarbonization of global energy systems, which is one of the essential articles of the relevant agreement. Therefore, for the Paris Agreement to meet many global targets, studies have been started on decarbonizing the global energy system. At the latest, companies are expected to achieve their 100% renewable electricity targets by 2030. A date after 2050 is not accepted.

What is RE100 Technical Advisory Group (TAG)?

It defines renewable energy as biomass, geothermal, water, wind, and solar. RE100 has supply options. Companies that want to participate in RE100 must produce as much electricity as they consume. It should not be produced outside of what is consumed.

The RE100 has electrical supply options. The electricity supply process includes:

  1. Companies can generate electricity in their facilities.

  2. They can buy it from a third-party institution.

  3. They can be directly wired to an off-grid third-party external generator.

  4. They can supply directly from the generator connected to the off-site grid. The purchase contract can be arranged in this sense.

  5. A certificate of conformity to energy, called the Eurasian Economic Union Certificate, can be obtained.

Who are the World's Giant Companies that are RE100 Members, and What is the Situation in Turkey?

RE100 is a platform that brings together the most influential brands in their sectors. Currently, 377 companies have memberships. RE100 features big companies like Apple, H&M, 3M, LG, Kia, Microsoft, Unilever, PwC, and META. Unfortunately, only one company from Turkey has been entitled to become a member. In the RE100, which Gürmen Group entered in 2018, they passed all the criteria until 2020 and successfully transformed their companies' production into a 100% renewable electric infrastructure.

How to Become a RE100 Gold Member?

Brands that have changed after RE100 are given the title "Gold Member." Some brands started working before the application date and soon became a company consisting of 100% renewable electricity. Thus, they have greatly benefited the clean and green economy. World giant Google has achieved great success by converting its global operations to 100 percent renewable electricity. Moreover, Google completed this within a year, as promised. Most companies have been able to shorten this period thanks to previous studies. Thus, they have succeeded in reducing their carbon footprints quickly.


Çağın Ergün



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