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What are the Global Sullivan Principles?

The Sullivan principles emerged in South Africa in 1977, and their main purpose is to exhibit and demonstrate a voluntary behavior to companies that are actively operating. In 1999, these principles were revised and brought to a global scale. It invites companies to common goals in human rights, social justice and economic opportunities. Company executives in South Africa provided scholarship opportunities to black Africans. Health, education, and housing initiatives were sponsored, and the number of black managers in institutions was raised.It has been established in line with certain criteria in order for businesses to be fair in economic, social and political fields and to be sensitive to human rights. At the same time, many specific standards have been set so that they can be treated with respect and be aware of issues of race and gender equality.It includes principles for the protection and observance of human rights, the elimination of child labor, the end of discrimination and the provision of social justice.

These principles have been endorsed by around 300 firms in the service industry, including British Airways and Kentucky Fried Chicken, as well as large corporations like Coca-Cola, Ford Motor Company, and Pfizer.There should be transparency in the implementation of the principles and at the same time, it should be clearly shown to the public that the obligations are fulfilled.

The Global Sullivan Principles consist of 8 principles on workforce, business ethics and environmental practices. These are:

1. Businesses should respect universal human rights, in particular show their support for the protection of the rights of workers and workers in the groups they work with.

2. Businesses should ensure that employees at all levels are not discriminated against on the basis of color, race, gender, age, ethnic or religious belief, and should promote equal opportunity. Businesses should not allow unacceptable behavior and actions such as child abuse, corporal punishment, female abuse, involuntary employment.

3. Businesses should respect employees' right to voluntary association.

4. Enterprises should pay their employees at least to meet their basic needs and enable them to develop their skills and abilities in order to increase their social and economic opportunities.

5. Businesses should create a safe and healthy working environment, take measures to protect human health and the environment, and support sustainable development.

6. Businesses should support fair competition, respect intellectual and industrial rights, and never offer payments or bribes.

7. Businesses should cooperate with governments and improve the quality of life of the communities where they do business, improve the educational, health, cultural, economic and social well-being of communities, and provide training and opportunities to workers from disadvantaged backgrounds.

8. Businesses should promote the application of these principles through the people, groups and institutions with which they do business.



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