Today, expectations from companies by consumers, stakeholders, and employees have changed compared to the past, and different facts have been included in the company performance evaluation process. Corporate reputation is one of the trends that participate in this evaluation process and that companies attach more and more importance to.
The concept of corporate reputation is used to describe the company's perception in different areas in which companies interact, such as investors, employees, customers, and suppliers. One of the main reasons for the increasing importance of the concept today is that, with the growing interdependence and globalization, companies are more important in the international community, and they are subject to more responsibilities in social areas compared to the past. At this point, corporate reputation includes different areas such as corporate social responsibility projects, employee rights, working environment, and environmental governance of a company. It thus creates emotional effects on various units of society.
Studies have shown that raising the corporate reputation leads to positive company results. Increasing the trust in the institution increases the motivation of the employees and ensures that the company's crisis management is more successful. And this situation has turned into an essential criterion for investors today.
The Global RepTrak index is maintained by The RepTrak Company, which was founded in 2004. It holds its important place among reputation indexes by rating more than one million companies annually in more than 60 countries worldwide. With the Global RepTrak 100 list they publish every year, they measure people's feelings, thoughts, and behaviors towards companies and reveal the 100 most substantial companies in terms of corporate reputation. For the measurements, a scoring system between 0-100 is used, and companies' performances in areas such as ESG, workplace justice, innovation, leadership, and branding are monitored.
While the Global RepTrak index is a reliable address to measure the corporate reputation of companies, companies also care about being on these lists to benefit from the gains of corporate reputation.
Author: İrem Derya
Source: https://www.reptrak.com/about/company/