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  • Mina Üstün

Inspiration from Nature for a Sustainable Future


When dealing with climate change and environmental problems, solutions created using nature's internal dynamics (NBS) are increasingly important. These solutions aim to combat climate change, protect biodiversity, and create a sustainable environment by effectively using the processes offered by nature.

One of the distinct advantages of NBS is that they offer cost-effective solutions. For example, protecting forests improves water management by preventing erosion and mitigating climate change by absorbing carbon from the atmosphere. This method covers the ecosystem services provided by nature.

At the same time, practices such as coral reef restoration help revitalize marine ecosystems and protect coastal areas from storms. This not only preserves the natural balance but also strengthens coastal communities.

Another outstanding feature of NBS is that they are economically sustainable. While practices increase the environmental quality of cities through the conscious use of natural elements such as parks, gardens, and green roofs, they also bring economic returns.

As a result, nature-based solutions offer a strategic and comprehensive approach to combating the climate crisis. These solutions go beyond just addressing environmental problems; they protect ecosystems, strengthen societies, and lay the foundations for a sustainable future. Supported by the United Nations and other international organizations, NBS emphasizes the importance of solutions compatible with nature by increasing environmental awareness at the global level.


Mina Üstün



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